How to improve your search engine rankings?

How to improve your search engine rankings?

SEO also includes a set of techniques to surface, target, and attract high-quality traffic to your website. One technique that many people do is to pay for a number of traffic sources to get them largely to answer a survey or perform some follow-up action with the advertiser to increase their likelihood of a sale.

SEO is a publicly available set of guidelines and best practices for how businesses can rank higher for search and bring back more leads. It’s the digital equivalent of having a good set of written guidelines to avoid fighting in a boxing ring.

Here is a short quote of the SEO best practices listed by Moz that apply to most websites and how you can optimize for them.

Keywords are a way of tying words together to describe a topic. If I search for, “how big is the orange?”, a Google search engine will return the first few results that contain the phrase orange.

In general, phrases that are not long enough like this can be broken up to make them more keyword-able. To break anything up, Google suggests breaking it down with a few main sections such as keyword connects, keyword groups, and keyword variations. SEO tools allow you to come up with additional keyword ideas/trends by prioritizing the phrase list and other tools in the advanced mode setting. See below an example of how to use the Google Tools Advanced Mode.

Keywords are the needle in the haystack. They are what searchers find when they type a keyword phrase into a search engine. Keywords are your website’s unique combination of words good enough to give your website the best chance of ranking well for a language with searcher expectations. Google recommends using two main keyword phrases related to the query you’re trying to find, which can help significantly with the normalization of searches. Be sure to use as many as possible to get a good search match, especially in low-volume searches. See this example:

An example of optimizing for an international keyword phrase is Korean beach names. This would be a good keyword phrase for my website because most people in the USA search for that as their second search term and because my Keyboard Kulture letters name it the “king of the beach.” Korean island names also tend to be internationalized by their English names so this could be a good way to get my website to rank.

Google is a little unclear about how to handle complex keywords like, “Can diabetes affect your heart?”. SEO is part of SEM, but it isn’t. Google has a class of its own called Search Engine Optimization (SEO), which mainly focuses on emails. It’s not something you often hear about when talking about SEO, and it’s generally why it’s not talked about that much within the marketing space. Search engine optimization is a bit more complicated than just email, because as you can imagine, a combination of everything or all of the above is going to be working together to get a page to appear in the first position for a given keyword when someone searches a given keyword. What that means then, is that keywords, the placement of certain content, and an understanding of SEO are all intertwined.

Let’s take a deeper look at what SEO is and how it can be used to your advantage. SEO (or Search Engine Optimization) is simply the process of optimizing the content on your site for search engines. In simpler terms, it’s an attempt to put your content in front of the right people by giving it the best chance to rank. It can be as simple as implementing a descriptive title tag (using the tag like this: Example Title to make sure you’re giving people a reason to click), writing meta tags that tell search engines what content is and isn’t in the page.